For Spaces less than 2 mm. Easily flow with anti-thick build up white viscous material
Product code : CGCT4
Price : price depends on color
Quantity : 1 kg/bag (2 bag/box)
Using quantity : 3.0 - 4.0 square meter/kg (bag)
Storage : 12 months (from manufacturer date) and keep in good ventilation
HICEM Granitto Tiny-Gap Colored Grouts for Ceramic Tile: CGCT - Granitto for spaces less than 2 mm. are particular grouts designed for Granitto and large-sized tiles that normally set together and left spaces less than 2 mm. These kind of grouts are perfectly penetrating into tiny spaces by its free-flowing characteristic. It is also high performance of water resistance, high remarkable property of preventing thick build-up of white viscous material on the tile surface and contains a substrate that prevents disease-causing microorganism. These products meet and surpass standard qualification testing methods: BS EN 13888-2009 and BS EN 12808 and maintained for the life of the product through additives of silicone and hydrophobic polymer. HICEM Granitto Tiny-Gap Colored Grouts, with a wide variety of natural colors and smooth finish, add elegance to any decor or architectural style. It is environmental friendly, toxic-free and odorless.
As in any grout application, time and attention will yield an optimum result. The use of HICEM Granitto Tiny-Gap Colored Grouts, with care given to tile spacing and placement, will produce the finest performance.
Spaces left between Granitto and large-scale tiles that typically less than 2 mm. Decoration tiles that prefer anti-effluorescence or anti-white viscous material. Joint gaps between Ceramic tiles where hygienic is needed such as bathroom, kitchen and etc.
Compressive Strength: EN 12808-3 27.5 N/mm2 Require >15.0 N/mm2
Flexural Strength: BS EN 13888-2009 7.90 N/mm2 Require >2.50 N/mm2
Water Absorption: EN 12808-2 4.84 gm at 240 mins Require <10 gm at 240 mins
Abrasion Resistance: EN 12808-2 < 400 mm3 Require <2000 mm3
Drying Shrinkage: EN 12808-4 0.80 mm./m Require <3 mm./m
Water Permeability: DIN 1048 Max 6.0 bars Require NA